Kathy works with the voice in a wide variety of ways; as a soloist, a composer of vocal sonic materials and as a choral director, using a high level of improvisation. She has created or directed many vocal groups apart the infamous Choeur Maha . Higher Ground (2006-8) was an eclectic mix of world music pieces for spiritual uplifting. The Naada Yoga Community Choir (2012-15) was a similar endeavour. In 2016, she curated and directed a series called H.I S. (Historical Improvisation Scores, performing vocal ensemble works from the 1960’s avant-garde. She performs with Joker, a noise vocal ensemble, and currently directs the Concordia University Chamber Choir. She has directed live vocals for the Barr Brothers, DJ Champion, and regularly coaches Les Mots d’la Dynamite theatre company and Odaya Native Women’s performance ensemble.

© 2025 Kathy Kennedy